Friday, April 4, 2014

About me (and I finally found the Pages here on blogger)

This is Stefan yawning on a lazy Sunday afternoon. 
He is a night person, and he wouldn't really last long 
when the sun is still up.

Stefan is a 20-year old Christian who is always a work in progress, a still unfinished masterpiece by God. 

He doesn't want to be labelled as a writer, a student, a debater, a speaker, an intellectual, or any Earthly titles because he is more than that, he is now a child of God.

His life before was a typical earthly living, but with some not-so-healthy-and-good living. Let's just skip some details and leave these keywords: Drugs, some premarital-sex, Guns and illegal weapons, Gambling, and he likes wild parties. Except for the sex part, he has mostly done all those things after the end of his previous relationship with his girlfriend.

His Christian life (a real born-again life) started after the struggles he encountered in late 2013. He thought everything was fine and he thought he could do whatever he wanted to do. For some technical and legal reasons, he isn't allowed to share those details in public. But rest assured his problems were too enormous and too heavy for him to handle - for a mere 20 year old "boy" to face. Because of it, he once thought (and actually tried) to cease his existence in this world. Fortunately, by God's grace, it failed and he lives to tell his story someday. He carries this heavy burden for 6 months until today.

Currently he has taken a break off from his studies in college as an English major (Literature and Linguistics). He still has some struggles every now and then, but life for him is getting better, he is improving by the help of God. He regularly attends church every Sunday, and he regularly comes 10-20 minutes late for the service. On Fridays, instead of having wild drinking parties and wasting himself out until Saturday mornings, he celebrates the real essence of "TGIF" (Thank God Its Friday) by going to church for a youth fellowship and literally thanking God for the wonderful Friday and the week that has passed.

Stefan has a couple of tattoos and earpiercings. He loves animals and nature. He is brave and fearless, but he has a warm and soft heart.

As he is writing this in third person, he is listening to "You Never Let Go" by Matt Redman.

"Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on. And there will be an end to these troubles, but until that day comes - Still I will praise You, still I will praise You"

There are some people who inspires Stefan. One would be David, A man after God's own heart. Joseph the dreamer, who has been jailed and has gone a lot of trials, and still reserved his faith in God, became a powerful ruler. Daniel and his fearless and faithful friends (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)
, who remained loyal to God and refused to bow down to anyone else.
 Daniel 3:17-18 -
" If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is ABLE to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. 
But EVEN IF HE DOES NOT, we want to make it CLEAR to you, Your Majesty, that we will NEVER serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up!” 
 This is the kind of faith Stefan is trying to achieve. Brave, fearless, and confident. He knows that God will protect, save, rescue, provide, and take care of him.

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