Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Letter Draft for Paypal ( Non-US)

So here it is:


This would be the draft for a more appropriate letter.

Copy the letter below to a word editor or you gmail draft. Get ready to do some editing.

if you see a word or phrase like this (in bold) and usually in red, those are personal details that you need to replace yourself.

if you see a word or
 phrase like this (in italics and bold) , you need to edit/replace it in accordance to your situation. 

The rule here, anything in red, in bold or in italics, just edit them. If it is in (red, italics and enclosed in a parentheses, remove it, its just my comment/note)

In fact, just read this whole letter and edit everything to your preference and remove the things that arent necessary.

----------------------------- S T A R T ------------------------------------

Executive Escalation Office -  From John Smith - Paypal UK - user

I am respectfully requesting that the hold on my funds/account be lifted.

Good Day. I have been using Paypal for more than 5 years now, and have not had any problems ever since.

Recently, Paypal has limited my account for no particular reason, after I have complied with the requirements to remove the limit. Paypal claimed that my transactions are of "HIGH RISK", which was highly doubtful since everything ran smoothly, it was on eBay, and there are no complaints from the buyers. ( - this depends what Paypal screwed you for, this is the part of the letter where you explain to them the problem)

(if you have called Paypal or had a talk with them, you can make something like this)
I have called Paypal the other day to inquire about my case. One of the representatives told me "...personally, I see nothing wrong with your account and the transactions, but I can do nothing about it"

I am requesting that the hold of my funds on my VERIFIED (if its really verified) account (with proofs of identity and credibility already submitted) be lifted and released immediately, and if not, beforeSunday, February 3, 2014 (the date where you plan on suing them if they don't give in to your request) as I badly need this money to pay for the house bills and rent. (or why you need the money)
I assure everyone of you that there will be no chargebacks from the buyers or those who sent me the money. You can contact them yourself if you want. And anyway, I have registered a valid creditcard linked to that account, and you can just charge it there, incase (although highly impossible) of a chargeback.

I feel that banning my account and holding my money for HALF A YEAR is a punitive abuse of power, so I would resort to higher legal procedures in case my account will still be limited and my funds held. 
So again, I am requesting that my funds be released immediately and not after February 3, 2014
I do hope we can resolve this peacefully and in the shortest of time.

Peace -
A long-time Paypal/eBay user

Please do not send me automatic responses as that would make me resort to the action below. 
I do not have millions on my Paypal account, but a lawyer would not cost me more than $200, infact I know a lot of friends that would sue you for free.

I will be filing complaints with the following agencies on Monday morning, August 26, 2013 if I am not satisfied with PayPal’s response to this request to release my funds:

The California Office of the Attorney General   (post the name of the law office and their website)

I will be making sure that in that foggy Monday morning, my complaint would be the first one on the desk.

also to

The Washington State Office of the Attorney General

Local ones that can forward this matter:
Gaskell & Walker
Glamorgan Law
(and those law offices near your place)
The United States Federal Reserve
(I understand that PayPal does not operate as a “bank” which is precisely why they may be interested in such complaints)
and as always,
The Better Business Bureau:

All complaints will be filed online and personally by an attorney in Monday morning August 26, 2014and written copies will also be sent via certified postal mail.

Please be aware that replying with the standard “this is part of the terms of service that you agreed to” will not satisfy my request, or deter me from filing my complaints with the agencies listed above on the morning of Monday August 26. It will be up to those agencies to determine if PayPal is operating within the law, abusing power, etc. I am simply seeking a resolution that is fair and in the best interest of both parties.

Thank you for your time again in looking into this matter.
--------------------------- E N D ---------------------

send it only to:

as sending it to the other emails, your address would be marked as spam by paypal office.
the email subject would be similar to this:

Requesting the release of my Funds.

That would be all. You can expect that they will reply within 2-5 days. You can send me a message again in the email or post a comment here. I'm quite busy but will respond as soon as possible.


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